I'm afraid of the dark, what can I do?




It is perfectly normal to be afraid of the dark. Fear brings concentration and preparation to avoid a danger. For example, if I have little attention to cross the street and I hear a car beeping, jumping with the fright and I only concurrent in crossing the street quickly. In this situation, fear points to a real and true danger, which is the car on the road.

Other times, fear indicates an imaginary danger. For example, when I was smaller I was afraid of the dark because I thought there was a scary giant inside my house. This is an imaginary danger because there was no scary giant, I had never seen a scary giant seriously, and there was no shape that a scary giant so big pass through the door and get into the house without me know.

Can you realize why you feel fear of the dark. If it is in your house, does you imagine a monster there.

In episode 3, Alice explains that emotions are provoked by thoughts or events. Can you realize what your fear causes. Is it an event, for example the light off. Or a thought, for example do you imagine a monster.

If it is the off -off light that causes you fear, you can find a way to light the light when you go to the garage, for example.

If it is a thought, you can decide if the thought is real and true. Is it really a monster at home. Have you ever seen a monster.

You can also read the true story of Session 3 where a 7 -year -old girl has no longer afraid of the dark thanks to this strategy.

At the Episode 13Emma was afraid of telling me that she had broken the board and Alice told her that fear was not just an unpleasant emotion, but that she helped Emma prepare to tell me. Well, you can do the same. Yes, fear helps us prepare, and you can do just that.

You can turn on all the lights at home and see that there are no monster. Then turn off the light of a piece, remember that there were no monster before and that's why there is not now, and go inside. Then it continues with the other pieces.

If you have other ideas that help, please tell me to say and help other children!

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